四川大学计算机学院(软件学院)蒲亦非 教授、博士生导师 个人简介



      蒲亦非(Yi-Fei PU, Yifei PU:博士、双博士后、四川大学计算机学院(软件学院)教授、博士生导师、四川省千人计划创新人才、四川省科技创新创业领军人才、第十一批四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选、成都市高层次创新创业人才、四川省青年科技创新研究团队骨干成员、成都市双流县首批高层次创新人才。国家科技专家库在库专家、教育部学位与研究生教育第四轮学科评估专家、教育部研究生学位论文评议专家、四川省特聘专家、成都市特聘专家。


  1. 中国自动化学会-分数阶系统与控制专业委员会副主任委员、

  2. 中国自动化学会-自适应动态规划与强化学习专业委员会委员、

  3. 四川大学计算机学院(软件学院)天思智能研究所实验室副主任、

  4. 四川大学法学院法律大数据实验室副主任、(Available: https://cc.scu.edu.cn/G2S/Template/View.aspx?courseId=5354&topMenuId=248728&action=view&type=&name=&menuType=1)

  5. 中国石油大学(华东)跨媒体大数据联合实验室副主任(Available:https://cilab.sci.upc.edu.cn/7527/list.htm

  6. 四川大学计算机学院(软件学院)学术分委员会委员、

  7. 乐山师范学院互联网自然语言智能处理四川省高等学校重点实验室学术委员会委员、

  8. 法国国际学术期刊《Metaheuristics(启发式演算,Springer-Nature Press)》编委(Editorial Board)(2018-今)、

  9. -中科学与应用基金会 (Foundation Franco-Chinoise Pour La Science Et SesApplications, FFCSA) 俱乐部成员、

  10. 美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews) 评论员、

  11. 2016年法国基于群体智能的最优化国际学术会议ICSIBO'2016 (2016 International Conference on SwarmIntelligence Based Optimization, Mulhouse, France)的科学委员 (Scientific Committee)

  12. 2017探测与成像国际学术会议ICSI 2017(2017 The International Conference on Sensing andImaging, Chengdu, China)的程序委员(ProgramCommittee)和特邀专题报告人(InvitedSpeakers)

  13. 2017年分数阶系统理论与应用国际研讨会(2017 The International Symposium onFractional-Order Systems Theory and Applications, Hefei, China)的特邀专题报告人(Invited Speakers)

  14. 2017年中国自动化大会暨中国国际智能制造大会(2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC2017) jointly held with2017 China Intelligent Manufacturing International Conference (CIMIC2017),Jinan, China)程序委员(ProgramCommittee Members)

  15. 20172018图像计算与数字医学国际研讨会ISICDM 20172018(International Symposium on ImageComputing and Digital Medicine 2017, Chengdu, China)的程序委员(Program Committee Members)和特邀专题报告人(Invited Speakers)(Available:https://www.imagecomputing.org/webpage/report.html)

  16. 2017年第24神经信息处理国际学术会议ICONIP2017(2017The 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Guangzhou,China)的海报分会主席(Poster Session Chairs)

  17. 2018年第3自动化、控制和机器人工程国际学术会议CACRE2018 (20183rd International Conference on Automation, Control and Robotics Engineering,Chengdu, China)的特邀专题报告人 (Invited Speakers)

  18. 2018年第15IEEE普适智能与计算国际会议UIC2018(15th IEEE Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence andComputing, Guangzhou, China)的程序委员(ProgramCommittee Members)

  19. 2018年偏微分方程/分数阶微分方程理论及应用会议(北京科技大学数理学院,北京)的特邀专题报告人、

  20. 2018年第十届图形与图像处理国际会议ICGIP20182018 10th International Conference onGraphics and Image Processing, Chengdu, China)的程序委员会主席(Program Chairs.

  21. 2019IEEE计算智能系列专题论坛IEEE SSCI 2019(2019 IEEE SymposiumSeries on Computational Intelligence)之关于计算智能中可解释数据分析的IEEE论坛(IEEESymposium on Explainable Data Analytics in Computational Intelligence, Xiamen,China)的论坛主席(Symposium Chairs), Available:https://ssci2019.org/edaci.html

  22. 2019年第11届国际信号处理系统国际会议ICSPS 2019(2019 11th InternationalConference on Signal Processing Systems)2019年第三届传感器技术前沿国际会议ICFST2019(2019 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Sensors Technologies)的组织委员会主席(Organizing chair),Available:https://www.icsps.org/com.html https://www.icfst.org/


      近三百年以降,分数阶微积分(fractional calculus)业已成为数学分析的一个重要分支。然而,对世界上绝大多数数学家、物理学家和工程技术学者而言,分数阶微积分都还较为陌生。如何将分数阶微积分应用于现代信号分析与处理之中,目前在国际上是一个研究甚少的新兴学科分支。蒲亦非长期聚焦于将分数阶微积分应用于信号处理、图像处理、电路与系统和人工智能这一新兴学科分支的尝试性探索和系统研究。

      蒲亦非首次提出数字图像处理最基本的6种分数阶微分算子(分数阶微分掩模),获广泛引用并以Yi-Fei PU名字对其命名;首次提出3种自然实现形式的1/2阶分抗(分数阶阻抗),获分数阶电路领域国际著名学者明确指出“蒲亦非作为第一作者所提出的分抗实现方法是一种被最频繁使用的方法”;首次提出分抗的度量单位和物理量纲及其串并联规则,获分数阶电路领域国际著名学者评价称“分数阶电路元件的度量单位和物理量纲一个意义重大的概述(a great overview)由蒲亦非的两篇论文总结”和“穷尽作者的知识,之前仅有极少的研究聚焦分数阶电路的串并联规则,蒲展示了任意阶分形电路各种联接方式的可能性”;首次提出分数阶Hopfield神经网络,并将其应用于“分数阶抗芯片克隆”之中,获“Hopfield神经网络之父”美国科学院院士Hopfield先生评价“一个真正新颖的神经网络”;首次将迷失的第四种电路元件忆阻推广到分数阶,用模拟电路形式实现国际上第一个分数阶忆阻(分忆抗),率先提出鉴别分忆抗的指纹特征,构造出新专业英文单词“Fracmemristor(分忆抗)”和“Fracmemristance(分忆抗值)”,引起“忆阻之父”欧洲科学院外籍院士蔡少棠先生的浓厚兴趣与科研合作。


  1. 本科、学士,四川大学,电子信息学院(1995.9-1999.6,专业:通信工程)

  2. 技术员,成都市电信局,市话传输与监控中心(1999.6-2001.6

  3. 硕士,四川大学,电子信息学院(2001.9-2003.6,专业:通信与信息系统,研究方向:数字图像处理,以全年级第二名考入攻读硕士学位,硕士二年级被保送提前攻读博士学位)

  4. 博士,四川大学,电子信息学院(2003.9-2006.6,专业:通信与信息系统,研究方向:信号处理,硕博连读)

  5. 博士后,电子科技大学,电子工程学院(2006.6-2008.4,专业:信息与通信工程,研究方向:信号分析与处理)

  6. 博士后,法国科学院(2007.12-2009.5,指派合作单位:法国南锡第1大学和法国巴黎第12大学,专业:信号与信息处理,研究方向:信号分析与处理,同时得到国家留学基金委和法中科学与应用基金会(FFCSA)联合资助)

  7. 副教授、硕士生导师,四川大学计算机学院(软件学院)(2007.11-2013.6

  8. 教授、硕士生导师,四川大学计算机学院(软件学院)(2013.6-2014.9

  9. 教授、博士生导师,四川大学计算机学院(软件学院)(2014.9-今)


  1. 新生研讨课(爱课程(中国大学MOOC)),教育部2017年国家精品在线开放课程,授课人:洪玫、蒲亦非、刘晓洁、赵辉、左航、舒莉、王湖南、聂靖、沈晓秀;


  1. 国家重点研发项目课题:面向开庭全过程的多模态记录和融合比对分析技术及装备研究(高质高效的审判支撑关键技术及装备研究(No.2018YFC0830300,总经费3418万)的课题4),No.2018YFC08303042018-2021年,395万,负责人;

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:分数阶Hopfield神经网络的理论研究,No.615713122016-2019年,67.44万,负责人;

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:分数阶微积分应用于医学核磁共振图像处理的理论与技术,No.609721312010-2012年,30万,负责人;

  4. 中国博士后科学基金项目:分数阶微积分在生物医学图像处理中的应用研究, No. 200604010162006-2008,4万,负责人;(2006年四川省共只成功申请了10 余项中国博士后科学基金项目)

  5. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金:分数阶微积分在医学核磁共振图像处理中的应用研究,No. 20111139-72011-2013年,4万,负责人;

  6. 四川省学术和技术带头人培养支持经费资助项目:分数阶偏微分方程在纹理图像去噪中应用的理论与技术研究,No.川人社办发(2016)183-5,2017-2017年,6万,负责人;

  7. 四川省千人计划创新人才基金项目:基于分数阶神经网络的抗芯片克隆研究,2013-2016年,50万,负责人;

  8. 四川省科技创新创业领军人才基金项目:分数阶印刷品图像防伪技术在食品防伪溯源系统中的应用,No. 2014RZ00162014-2016年,30万,负责人;

  9. 成都市高层次创新创业人才基金项目:基于分数阶神经网络的抗芯片克隆研究,2013-2016年,100万,负责人;

  10. 四川省科技支撑计划项目:基于分数阶微积分的去除医学MRI运动伪影的关键技术研究, No. 2013SZ00712013-2017年,20万,负责人;

  11. 四川省科技支撑计划项目:车载疲劳驾驶检测系统的关键技术及应用研究,No.2011GZ02012011-2015年,10万,负责人;

  12. 四川省重大科技成果转化项目:食品防伪溯源系统产业化,No.2012SC00412012-2017年,100万,负责人;(蒲亦非作为项目负责人还将分数阶微积分纹理处理技术应用于食品和药品的防伪和溯源,研发了基于分数阶微积分纹理处理技术的防伪溯源系统。该系统与2012318日,经过四川省科技厅的技术鉴定。其鉴定结论如下:鉴定委员会一致认为,该项目采用分数阶微积分纹理处理技术对食品和药品进行防伪和溯源具有创新性,达到国际先进水平。鉴定委员会一致同意通过鉴定。该项目涉及食品和药品安全,属于重大民生项目,具有重大的社会效益,建议进一步完善系统,扩展功能,尽快推广应用

  13. 成都市双流县高层次创新创业人才基金项目:基于分数阶神经网络的抗芯片克隆研究,2013-2016年,80万,负责人;

  14. 四川大学计算机学院/软件学院杰出青年教师培养计划基金项目,2014年,负责人;

  15. 四川大学计算机学院/软件学院杰出青年教师培养计划基金项目,2011年,负责人;

  16. 四川大学计算机学院/软件学院第三届青年教师基金,文物及博物馆数字化管理技术,2012-2013年,2万,负责人;

  17. 四川大学引进人才科研启动基金,2007年,负责人。


  1. 2018年度第八届吴文俊人工智能科学技术奖(自然科学奖)三等奖,基于分数阶微积分理论的智能信号处理(个人获奖,获奖人:蒲亦非),颁奖单位:吴文俊人工智能科学技术奖励委员会、中国人工智能学会(吴文俊人工智能科学技术奖被誉为中国智能科学技术最高奖)。

  2. 2018年度四川省科学技术奖(自然科学类)三等奖,分数阶微积分理论及其在信号处理当中的应用研究(排名第1,获奖人:蒲亦非、何吉欢、王永、袁晓),颁奖单位:四川省人民政府、四川省科技厅、四川省科学技术奖励评审委员会、四川省科学技术奖励委员会。

  3. 200710月入选为四川省优秀博士学位论文,分数阶微积分在现代信号分析与处理中应用的研究(个人获奖,获奖人:蒲亦非),颁奖单位:四川省人民政府政府学术委员会、四川省教育厅(2007 年在四川省所有学科2900多篇博士学位论文中,共入选39 篇省优秀博士学位论文)。

  4. 2012年度全国高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学奖)一等奖,计算智能中的一些基础理论研究(排名第7,获奖人:章毅、周激流、吕建成、张蕾、彭德中、屈鸿、蒲亦非),颁奖单位:国家教育部。

  5. 2015年度四川省科学技术奖(自然科学类)二等奖,新型图像计算理论及其重大工程应用(排名第4,获奖人:刘怡光、周激流、游志胜、蒲亦非、杨梦龙),颁奖单位:四川省人民政府、四川省科技厅、四川省科学技术奖励评审委员会、四川省科学技术奖励委员会。


  1. 2013年四川省千人计划创新人才。

  2. 2013年成都市高层次创新创业人才。

  3. 2014年四川省科技创新创业领军人才。

  4. 第十一批四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选。

  5. 成都市双流县首批高层次创新人才(2013年双流县全国百强县排名第九,西部第一)。


  1. 作者:蒲亦非、张妮、周激流书名:《FractionalCalculus Principles of Signal Processing(信号处理的分数阶微积分原理)》,Springer-Nature Press,排版待刊,2019.

  2. 作者:周激流、蒲亦非、廖科专著名:《分数阶微积分原理及其在现代信号分析与处理中的应用》,科学出版社 2010. 第一部系统论述分数阶微积分在信号处理中应用的理论专著

  3. 作者:张妮、蒲亦非.专著名:《计算法学导论》,四川大学出版社 2015.6.第一部关于计算法学的理论专著

  4. 作者:周激流、蒲亦非、张意、刘彦专著名:《分数阶微积分图像修复模型在医学CT图像金属伪影去除中的应用》,四川大学出版社(四川省新闻出版广电局重点出版项目资助出版),2015.12.

  5. 作者:周激流、蒲亦非、刘彦、张意专著名:《分数阶系统的电路设计及应用》,四川大学出版社(四川省新闻出版广电局重点出版项目资助出版),2015.12. 

  6. 作者:周激流、蒲亦非、黄果、陈庆利专著名:《分数阶微积分理论在图像增强和去噪中的应用》,四川大学出版社(四川省新闻出版广电局重点出版项目资助出版),2015.12.


  1. 作者:蒲亦非、郇金光书名:《中国国产表收藏的历史铭品》,四川大学出版社(待出版,近期)


  1. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:一种基于分数阶偏微分方程的图像对比度增强滤波器,申请号:ZL201710204750.4,国家发明专利

  2. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:容性分忆抗元和感性分忆抗元滤波器,专利号:ZL201610214170.9,国家发明专利

  3. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:抗芯片克隆的分数阶电路基因防伪检测器,专利号:ZL201410247717.6,国家发明专利

  4. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:一种基于分数阶偏微分方程的纹理图像高精度去噪滤波器,专利号: ZL201310298382.6,国家发明专利

  5. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:高精度计算的数字图像的分数阶微积分滤波器,专利号:ZL201010138742.2,国家发明专利

  6. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:一种基于分数阶最速下降法的分数阶自适应信号处理器,专利号:ZL201310303266.9,国家发明专利

  7. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:一种基于分数阶发展方程的纹理图像去噪滤波器,专利号:ZL201310298340.2,国家发明专利

  8. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:一种基于分数阶热传导方程的图像去噪滤波器,专利号:ZL201310303300.2,国家发明专利

  9. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:数字图像的分数阶微分滤波器,专利号:ZL200610021702.3,国家发明专利

  10. 发明人:蒲亦非、汪淮、罗修德专利名:印刷品脆弱数字水印的磁读写和网络反馈技术,专利号:ZL200810046177.X,国家发明专利

  11. 发明人:蒲亦非、刘彦、周激流专利名:基于Riemann-Liouville定义的高精度的数字图像分数阶积分滤波器,专利号:ZL201010147475.5,国家发明专利

  12. 发明人:蒲亦非、胡金蓉、周激流专利名:实时高效的数字图像分数阶积分滤波器,专利号:ZL201010147493.3,国家发明专利

  13. 发明人:蒲亦非、张意、周激流专利名:基于Riemann-Liouville定义的数字图像的1~2阶分数阶微分滤波器,专利号:ZL201010147491.4,国家发明专利

  14. 发明人:蒲亦非、张妮、周奇正、黄果、刘益志专利名:一种基于分数阶计算方程的图书馆图文信息去噪滤波器,专利号:ZL201310311317.2,国家发明专利


  1. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:一种任意阶高通滤波的格型标度分数阶忆阻器,申请号:CN201810002649.5,国家发明专利

  2. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:一种任意阶低通滤波的格型标度分数阶忆阻器,申请号:CN201810002646.1,国家发明专利

  3. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:一种大动态范围浮地忆阻等效元件及非线性可控模拟电阻,申请号:CN201810002582.5,国家发明专利

  4. 发明人:蒲亦非、卢培锋、汪淮、李炳法、蒋怀义专利名:一种浮地压控忆阻器等效元件,申请号:CN201810031515.6,国家发明专利

  5. 发明人:蒲亦非.专利名:一种基于分数阶隐写技术的商品包装防伪印刷及检测方法,申请号:CN201811502313.1,国家发明专利



  1. 蒲亦非《分数阶微积分在现代信号分析与处理中应用的研究》,博士学位论文,四川大学,2006.6Yi-FeiPU. “Research on Application ofFractional Calculus to Latest Signal Analysis and Processing.”Ph.D. Thesis,School of Electronic Information, Sichuan University, China, 2006.  作为第一篇系统论述分数阶微积分在现代信号分析与处理中应用的博士学位论文,入选2007年四川省优秀博士学位论文2007 年四川省所有学科两千多篇博士学位论文中总共评选出39 篇省优秀博士学位论文


  1. Yi-Fei PU, and Bo YU. “A Large Dynamic Range Floating Memristor Emulatorwith Equal Port Current Restriction,” IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, accepted to be published, 2019. 

  2. Yi-Fei PU, Ni ZHANG, and Huai WANG.  “Fractional-Order SpatialSteganography and Blind Steganalysis for Printed Matter: Anti-Counterfeitingfor Product External Packing in Internet-of-Things,”  IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted to be published, 2018. SCIIF: 9.515)论文链接: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8576542

  3. Yi-Fei PU, Ni ZHANG,  Zheng-Ning WANG, Jian WANG, Zhang YI,Yan WANG,  andJi-Liu ZHOU. “Fractional-Order Retinex for Adaptive Contrast Enhancement ofUnder-Exposed Traffic Images,”  IEEE Intelligent TransportationSystems Magazine, accepted to be published, 2018. SCIIF: 3.654)论文链接: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8637169

  4. Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN and Bo YU. “AnalogCircuit Implementation of Fractional-Order Memristor: Arbitrary-Order LatticeScaling Fracmemristor,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits andSystems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 2903-2916, Sept. 2018. SCI IF: 3.934

  5. Yi-Fei PU, Patrick SIARRY, Amitava CHATTERJEE,Zheng-Ning WANG, Yi-Guang LIU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Yan WANG. “A Fractional-OrderVariational Framework for Retinex: Fractional-Order Partial DifferentialEquation Based Formulation for Multi-scale Nonlocal Contrast Enhancement withTexture Preserving,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 1214-1229, 2018. SCI IF: 6.79

  6. Yi-Fei PU, Zhang YI, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Defenseagainst Chip Cloning Attacks Based on Fractional Hopfield Neural Networks,” International Journal of NeuralSystems vol. 27, no. 4, Article ID 1750003, 28 pages, 2017. SCI IF: 6.4

  7. Yi-Fei PU, Zhang YI, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “FractionalHopfield Neural Networks: Fractional Dynamic Associative Recurrent NeuralNetworks,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networksand Learning Systems, vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 2319-2333,2017.  SCI IF: 11.683

  8. Yi-Fei PU. “Fractional-Order Euler-LagrangeEquation for Fractional-Order Variational Method: A Necessary Condition forFractional-Order Fixed Boundary Optimization Problems in Signal Processing andImage Processing,” IEEE Access,vol. 4, pp. 10110-10135, 2016.  SCI IF: 4.098

  9. Yi-Fei PU. “Analog Circuit Realization ofArbitrary-Order Fractional Hopfield Neural Networks: A Novel Application ofFractor to Defense against Chip Cloning Attacks,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 5417-5435, 2016.  SCIIF: 4.098

  10. Yi-Fei PU “Measurement Units and Physical Dimensions of Fractance-PartI: Position of Purely Ideal Fractor in Chua's Axiomatic Circuit Element Systemand Fractional-Order Reactance of Fractor in Its Natural Implementation,” IEEE Access,vol. 4, pp. 3379-3397, 2016.  SCI IF: 4.098

  11. Yi-Fei PU. “Measurement Units and PhysicalDimensions of Fractance-Part II: Fractional-Order Measurement Units andPhysical Dimensions of Fractance and Rules for Fractors in Series and Parallel,” IEEE Access,vol. 4, pp. 3398-3416, 2016.  SCI IF: 4.098

  12. Yi-Fei PU, and Xiao YUAN. “Fracmemristor:Fractional-Order Memristor,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 1872-1888, 2016.SCI IF: 4.098

  13. Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, ZHANG Yi, Ni ZHANG,Guo HUANG, and Patrick Siarry. “Fractional Extreme Value Adaptive TrainingMethod: Fractional Steepest Descent Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networksand Learning Systems, vol.26, no.4, pp. 653-662, 2015.  SCIIF: 11.683

  14. Yi-Fei PU, Patrick SIARRY, Ji-Liu ZHOU,Yi-Guang LIU, Ni ZHANG, Guo HUANG, and Yi-Zhi LIU. “Fractional PartialDifferential Equation Denoising Models for Texture Image,” Science China Information Sciences, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 1-19, 2014.SCI IF: 2.731

  15. Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Xiao YUAN. “FractionalDifferential Mask: A Fractional Differential Based Approach for Multi-scaleTexture Enhancement,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.19, no.2, pp. 491-511, 2010. SCI IF: 6.79

  16. Yi-Fei PU, Wei-Xing WANG, Ji-Liu ZHOU, Yi-YangWANG, and Hua-Ding JIA. “Fractional Differential Approach to Detecting TexturalFeatures of Digital Image and Its Fractional Differential FilterImplementation,” Science in China Series F:Information Sciences, vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 1319-1339,2008.SCI IF: 2.731

  17. Yi-Fei PU, Ni ZHANG, Huai WANG, Shu-Shu CHEN,Xiao YUAN, and Li SHU. “Order-Frequency Characteristics of a Promising CircuitElement: Fractor,” Journal of CircuitsSystems and Computers, vol. 25, no. 12, Article ID 1650156, 17 pages, 2016.SCI IF: 0.939

  18. Yi-Fei PU, Ni ZHANG, Yi ZHANG, and Ji-LiuZHOU. “A Texture Image Denoising Approach Based on   Fractional Developmental Mathematics,”Pattern Analysis and Applications,vol.19, no.2, pp. 427-445, 2016. SCI IF: 1.41

  19. Yi-Fei PU, Patrick Siarry, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Ni ZHANG. “A FractionalPartial Differential Equation Based Multi-Scale Denoising Model for TextureImage,” Mathematical Methods in theApplied Sciences, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 1784-1806, 2014. SCI IF: 1.533

  20. Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, Patrick Siarry, NiZHANG, and Yi-Guang LIU. “Fractional Partial Differential Equation: FractionalTotal Variation and Fractional Steepest Descent Approach Based Multi-Scale DenoisingModel for Texture Image,” Abstract andApplied Analysis, vol.2013, Article ID 483791,  19 pages, 2013.SCI IF: 1.318

  21. Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “A Novel Approachfor Multi-scale Texture Segmentation Based on Fractional Differential,” International Journal of ComputerMathematics, vol. 88, no.1, pp. 58-78, 2011. SCI IF: 1.196


  1. Chao REN, Xiao-Hai HE, Yi-FeiPU, and Truong Q. Nguyen. “Enhanced Non-Local Total Variation Modeland Multi-Directional Feature Prediction Prior for Single Image SuperResolution,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 28, no.8, pp. 3778 - 3793 2019. SCI IF: 6.79

  2. Qiu-Yan HE, Yi-FeiPU*, Bo YU, and Xiao YUAN. “ScalingFractal-Chuan Fractance Approximation Circuits of Arbitrary-Order,” Circuits, Systems, and SignalProcessing, accepted to be published, 2019.(SCI IF: 1.998, 通信作者)

  3. Bo YU, Yi-FeiPU*, and Qiu-Yan HE. “Fractional-OrderDual-Slope Integral Fast Analog-to-Digital Converter with High Sensitivity,” Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers,accepted to be published, 2019. SCIIF: 0.939,通信作者)

  4. Qiang DAI, Yi-FeiPU*, Ziaur RAHMAN, and Muhammad AAMIR. “Fractional-OrderFusion Model for Low-Light Image Enhancement,” Symmetry, vol. 11, no. 4, Article ID sym11040574, 17 pages, 2019.(SCI IF: 2.143, 通信作者)

  5. Muhammad AAMIR, Yi-Fei PU*, Ziaur RAHMAN, Muhammad TAHIR, HamadNAEEM, and Qiang DAI. “A Framework for Automatic Building Detection fromLow-Contrast Satellite Images,” Symmetry,vol. 11, no. 1, Article ID sym11010003, 19 pages, 2019. (SCI IF: 2.143, 通信作者)

  6. Ziaur RAHMAN, MuhammadAAMIR, Yi-FeiPU*, Farhan ULLAH, and Qiang DAI. “ASmart System for Low-Light Image Enhancement with Color Constancy and DetailsManipulation in Complex Light Environment,” Symmetry,vol. 10, no. 12, Article ID sym10120718, 15 pages, 2018. (SCI IF: 2.143, 通信作者)

  7. Li Xu, Guo Huang, and Yi-Fei PU*. “Numerical Simulation Research ofFracmemristor Circuit Based on HP Memristor,” Journal of Circuits Systems andComputers, vol. 27, no. 14,  Article ID 1850227, 16 pages, 2018. SCI IF: 0.939,通信作者)

  8. Chao REN, Xiao-Hai HE, and Yi-Fei PU. “Nonlocal Similarity Modeling andDeep CNN Gradient Prior for Super Resolution,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 916-920, 2018. (SCI IF: 3.268)

  9. Ni ZHANG, Yi-FeiPU, Sui-Quan YANG, Ji-Liu ZHOU andJin-Kang GAO. “An Ontological Chinese Legal Consultation System ,” IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 18250-18261, 2017.  SCIIF: 4.098

  10. Yan WANG, Guangkai Ma, Le An, Feng Shi, Pei Zhang, David S.Lalush, Xi WU, Yi-FeiPU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Dinggang Shen. “Semi-SupervisedTripled Dictionary Learning for Standard-dose PET Image Prediction usingLow-dose PET and Multimodal MRI,” IEEE Transactions on BiomedicalEngineering, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 569-579, 2017. SCI IF: 4.491

  11. Yi ZHANG, Yan WANG, Wei-HUA ZHANG, Feng LIN, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Statistical Iterative ReconstructionUsing Adaptive Fractional Order Regularization,”Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1015-1029, 2016. SCI IF 3.91

  12. Yi-Guang LIU, Yin-Jie LEI, Chun-Guang LI, Wen-Zheng XU, and Yi-Fei PU. “A Random Algorithm for Low-Rank Decomposition of Large-ScaleMatrices with Missing Entries,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 4502-4511, 2015. SCI IF: 6.79

  13. Yong-Qing ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, Hai-Sen ZHANG, Yong CONG, andJi-Liu ZHOU. “An extended fractional Kalman filter for inferring generegulatory networks using time-series data,” Chemometrics and IntelligentLaboratory Systems, vol.138, pp. 57-63, 2014. SCI IF 2.786

  14. Yan WANG, Wen-Zao LI, Ji-Liu ZHOU, Xiao-Hua LI, and Yi-Fei PU. “Identification of normal and abnormal heart sound usingwavelet-time entropy features based on OMS-WPD,” Future Generation Computer System, Article ID FUTURE2548, 2014. SCI IF 5.768

  15. Yong-Qing ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, Hai-Sen ZHANG, Yong CONG, andJi-Liu ZHOU. “Using gene express-ion programming to infer gene regulatorynetworks from time-series data,” Computational Biology and Chemistry, vol.47, pp. 198-206, 2013. SCI IF 1.595

  16. Yi-Guang LIU, Li-Ping CAO, Chun-Ling LIU, Yi-Fei PU, and Hong CHENG. “Recovering shape and motion by a dynamicsystem for low-rank matrix approximation in L (1) norm,” Visual Computer,vol.29, no.5, pp. 421-431, 2013. SCI IF 1.415

  17. Yi ZHANG, Yi-FeiPU, Wei-Hua ZHANG, Jin-Rong HU, HanWANG, Yin-Jie LEI, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “A novel noniterative metal artifactsreduction method using coherent transport with fast marching in CT,” International Journal of Imaging Systems andTechnology. vol.22, no. 4, pp. 200-207, 2012. SCI IF 1.254 

  18. Yan LIU, Yi-FeiPU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Xiao-Dong SHEN. “Designof  -1/2norder analog fractance approximation circuit using continued fractionsdecomposition,” Journal of Circuits, Systems, andComputers, vol.34, no.6, pp. 1388-1392, 2012. SCI IF 0.939

  19. Yan LIU, Yi-FeiPU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Xiao-Dong SHEN. “Designand Behavior Study of 1/2(n) Order Fractional Controllers based on RCElements,” Information-An InternationalInterdisciplinary Journal, vol.15, no.4, pp. 1663-1673, 2012. SCI IF 0.25

  20. Yi ZHANG, Yi-FeiPU, Jin-Rong HU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Aclass of fractional-order variation image inpainting models,” Applied Mathematics & InformationSciences, vol. 6, no.2, pp. 299-306, 2012. SCI IF 0.731

  21. Jin-Rong HU, Yi-FeiPU, Xi WU, Yi ZHANG, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “ImprovedDCT-based nonlocal means filter for MR Images Denoising,” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2012, Article ID 232685, 14 pages, 2012. SCI IF 1.563

  22. Yi-Guang LIU, Bing-Bing LIU, Yi-Fei PU, Xiao-Hui CHEN, and Hong CHENG. “Low-rankmatrix decomposition in L-1-norm by dynamic systems,” Image and Vision Computing,vol.30, no.11, pp. 915-921, 2012. SCI IF 2.747

  23. Yi ZHANG, Yi-FeiPU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Jin-Rong HU. “EfficientCT metal artifacts reduction based on fractional-order curvature diffusion,” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Article ID 173748, 9 pages, 2011. SCI IF 1.563 

  24. Yi ZHANG, Yi-FeiPU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Jin-Rong HU. “Anew CT metal artifacts reduction algorithm based on fractional-order sinograminpainting,” Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, vol.19, no. 3, pp. 373-384, 2011. SCI IF 1.662



  1. Ni ZHANG, Yi-FeiPU*, Sui-Quan YANG, Jin-Kang GAO, ZhuWANG and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “AChinese Legal Intelligent Auxiliary Discretionary Adviser Based on GA-BP NNs,” The Electronic Library,vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 1135-1153, 2018. SSCI IF: 0.886, 通信作者)论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-03-2017-0056

IEEE Spectrum中文版《科技纵览》上发表的论文:

  1. 蒲亦非余波袁晓.“记忆元件:从忆阻元到分忆抗元,”IEEE Spectrum中文版《科技纵览》,no. 76, pp. 66-67, 2018. 11. 

  2. 张妮, 蒲亦非. “计算法学:法可以被计算吗?IEEE Spectrum中文版《科技纵览》, no. 76, pp. 52-54, 2018. 11.


  1. 蒲亦非, 王卫星.“数字图像的分数阶微分掩模及其数值运算规则,”自动化学报, vol.33, no.11, pp. 1128-1135, 2007.Yi-Fei PU, and Wei-Xing WANG. “Fractionaldifferential masks of digital image and their numerical implementation algorithms,” Acta Automatica Sinica,vol.33, no.11, pp. 1128-1135,  2007.)(EI20075210995097,入选2012年度中国领跑者5000F5000——中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文,科技部中国科学技术信息研究所评选

  2. Yi-Fei PU. “Material Performance Measurementof A Promising Circuit Element: Fractor-Part I: Driving-Point ImpedanceFunction of the Arbitrary-Order Fractor in Its Natural Implementation,” Materials Research Innovations, vol. 19,no. S10, pp. 176-182, 2015. 

  3. Yi-Fei PU. “Material Performance Measurementof A Promising Circuit Element: Fractor-Part II: Measurement Units and PhysicalDimensions of Fractance and Rules for Fractors in Series And Parallel,” Materials Research Innovations, vol. 19,no. S10, pp. 183-189, 2015.  

  4. 蒲亦非王卫星周激流,王一杨贾华丁. “数字图像纹理细节的分数阶微分检测及其分数阶微分滤波器实现,” 中国科学 F 信息科学 (中文版), vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 2252-2272,2008.在中国科学上分别以中文、英文版同时出版,对应英文版:Yi-Fei PU, Wei-Xing WANG, Ji-LiuZHOU, Yi-Yang WANG,  andHua-Ding JIA. “Fractional Differential Approach to Detecting Textural Featuresof Digital Image and Its Fractional Differential Filter Implementation,” Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, vol. 51, no. 9, pp. 1319-1339, 2008.

  5. Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “A Novel Approachfor Multi-scale Texture Segmentation Based on Fractional Differential,”  International Journal of Computer Mathematicsvol.88, no.1, pp. 58-78, 2010.

  6. 蒲亦非. “将分数阶微分演算引入数字图像处理,” 四川大学学报 (工程科学版)vol.39,no.3, pp. 124-132, 2007. Yi-FeiPU. “Application of Fractional Differential Approach to Digital ImageProcessing,” Journal of Sichuan University(Engineering Science Edition)vol.39, no.3, pp. 58-78, 2007.

  7. Yi-Fei PU. “Fractional Differential Analysisfor texture of Digital Image,” Journal ofAlgorithms & Computational Technologyvol.1, no.3, pp. 357-380, 2007.

  8. 蒲亦非袁晓廖科,陈忠林 周激流. “一种实现任意分数阶仿生神经型脉冲振荡器的格形模拟分抗电路,” 四川大学学报 (工程科学版), vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 128-132, 2006.Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO,Zhong-lin CHEN,  andJi-liu ZHOU. “Implement any Fractional Order Neural-Type Pulse Oscillator withNet-Grid-Type Analog Fractance Circuit,” Journal of Sichuan University(Engineering Science Edition),vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 128-132, 2006.

  9. 蒲亦非袁晓廖科,陈忠林周激流.“现代信号分析与处理中分数阶微积分的五种数值实现算法,” 四川大学学报 (工程科学版)vol.37,No.5, pp. 118-124, 2005. Yi-FeiPU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO, Zhong-lin CHEN,  and Ji-liu ZHOU. “Five Numerical Alforithms of FractionalCalculus Applied in Modern Signal Analyzing and Processing,” Journal of Sichuan University(Engineering Science Edition)vol.37, no.5, pp. 118-124, 2005.

  10. 蒲亦非袁晓廖科,周激流王永德. “连续子波变换数值实现中尺度采样间隔的确定,” 四川大学学报 (工程科学版)vol.36,No.6, pp. 111-116, 2004. Yi-FeiPU, Xiao YUAN, Ke Liao, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Yong-De WANG. “Determination of ScaleSample Step for Getting Numerical Result of the Continuous Wavelet Transform,” Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition)vol.36, no.6, pp. 111-116, 2004.


  1. 黄果蒲亦非陈庆利,周激流.“非整数步长的分数阶微分滤波器在图像增强中的应用,”四川大学学报(工程科学版), vol.43, No.1, pp. 129-136, 2011. Guo HUANG, Yi-Fei PU, Qing-Li CHEN,and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Application of non-integer step and fractional orderdifferential filter in the image enhancement,” Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition),vol.43, no.1, pp. 129-136, 2011.)(EI:20111013735568, 入选2014年度中国领跑者5000F5000——中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文科技部中国科学技术信息研究所评选

  2. 胡金蓉蒲亦非张意,周激流. “DCT子空间的非局部均值去噪算法,”计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, vol.24, No.1, pp. 89-96, 2012.Jin-Rong HU, Yi-Fei PU, Yi ZHANG, andJi-Liu ZHOU. “Nonlocal means denoising algorithm based on DCT subspace,” Journal of Computer-Aided Design andComputer Graphics, vol.24, no.1, pp. 89-96, 2012.

  3. 刘彦蒲亦非沈晓东,周激流.“基于连分式分解的1/2n阶模拟分抗逼近电路设计,” 四川大学学报(工程科学版), vol.44, No.3, pp. 153-158, 2012.Yan LIU, Yi-Fei PU, Xiao-Dong SHEN,and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Design of 1/2n order analog fractance approximation circuitbased on continued fractions decomposition,”Journalof Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), vol.44, no.3, pp. 153-158,2012.

  4. 刘彦蒲亦非沈晓东,周激流. “分数阶Unscented卡尔曼滤波器研究,”电子与信息学报, vol.34, No.6, pp. 1388-1392, 2012.Yan LIU, Yi-Fei PU, Xiao-Dong SHEN,and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Fractional unscented Kalman filter,” Journal of Electronics and Information Technology, vol.34, no.6,pp. 1388-1392, 2012.

  5. 胡金蓉蒲亦非周激流.“分数阶积分的图像去噪算法,” 电子科技大学学报, Vol.41, No.5, pp. 705-711, 2012.Jin-Rong HU, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-LiuZHOU. “Fractional Integral Denoising Algorithm,” Journal of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,vol.41, no.5, pp. 705-711, 2012.

  6. 雷刚蒲亦非张卫华,周激流. “张量典型相关分析及其在人脸识别中的应用,” 电子科技大学学报, Vol.42, No.3, pp. 435-440, 2012.Gang LEI, Yi-Fei PU, Wei-Hua ZHANG,and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Tensor correlation analysis and its application to facerecognition,” Journal of the Universityof Electronic Science and Technology of China, vol.42, no.3, pp. 435-440,2012.

  7. 陈庆利蒲亦非黄果,周激流. “数字图像的0~1Riemann-Liouville分数阶微分增强模板,” 电子科技大学学报, vol.40, no.5, pp. 772-776, 2011.Qing-Li CHEN, Yi-Fei PU, Guo HUANG,and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “0~1 Order Riemann-Liouville Fractional Differential EnhancingMask of Digital Image,” Journal ofUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China, vol.40, no.5, pp.772-776, 2011.

  8. Jin-Rong HU, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “A novel imagedenoising algorithm based on riemann-liouville definition,” Journal of Computers, vol.6, no.7, pp.1332-1338, 2011.

  9. 刘彦蒲亦非周激流.“一种基于分数阶积分的数字图像去噪算法,”四川大学学报(工程科学版, vol.43, no.3, pp. 90-95, 2011.Yan LIU, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Adigital image denoising method based on fractional calculus,” Journal of Sichuan University (EngineeringScience Edition) , vol.43, no.3, pp. 90-95, 2011.

  10. Jin-Rong HU, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Fractional integral denoising algorithmand implementation of fractional integral filter,” Journal of Computational Information Systems, vol.7, no.3, pp.729-736, 2011.

  11. 陈庆利蒲亦非黄果,周激流. “分数阶神经型脉冲振荡器,”四川大学学报 (工程科学版), Vol.43, No.1, pp. 123-128, 2011.Qing-Li CHEN, Yi-Fei PU, Guo HUANG,and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Fractional-order neural pulse oscillator,” Journal of Sichuan University (EngineeringScience Edition), vol.43, no.1, pp. 123-128, 2011.

  12. 张意蒲亦非周激流.“分数阶微分掩模及其滤波器的构造,”华南理工大学学报 (自然科学版), Vol.39, No.7, pp. 95-101, 2011.Yi ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU.“Construction of Fractional Derivation Masks and Corresponding Filter,” Journal of South Chia University ofTechnology, vol.39, no.7, pp. 95-101, 2011.

  13. 黄果蒲亦非陈庆利,周激流. “基于分数阶积分的图像去噪,” 系统工程与电子技术, Vol.33, No.4, pp. 925-932, 2011. Guo HUANG, Yi-Fei PU, Qing-Li CHEN,and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Research on Image Denoising based on Fractional OrderIntegral,” Systems Engineering andElectronics, vol.33, no.4, pp. 925-932, 2011.

  14. Yi ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Construction of fractional differentialmasks based on Riemann-Liouville definition,” Journal of Computational Information Systems, vol.6, no.10, pp.3191-3200, 2010.

  15. Yan LIU, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Design of image denoising filter based onfractional integral,” Journal ofComputational Information Systems, vol.6, no.9, pp. 2839-2847, 2010.

  16. Yi ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU, Jin-Rong HU, and Yan LIU. “Salt-and-peppernoise suppression with a novel two stage algorithm,” Journal of Information and Computational Science, vol.7, no.6, pp.1301-1306, 2010.

  17. 张宏周激流蒲亦非.“基于有限元算法及仿生电路的心血循环模型,”四川大学学报 (工程科学版), Vol.44, pp.151-157, 2012.Hong ZHANG, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Yi-FeiPU. “A cardiovascular model based on finite element method and electricalanalog model,” Journal of SichuanUniversity (Engineering Science Edition), vol.44, no. 4, pp.151-157, 2012.

  18. Liang YU, Gang ZHOU, and Yi-FeiPU. “An Improved Task SchedulingAlgorithm in Grid Computing Environment,” Int.J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, vol.4, pp.227-231, 2011.

  19. 廖科袁晓,  蒲亦非周激流. “1/2 阶分数演算的模拟OTA电路实现,” 四川大学学报 (工程科学版), vol.37, no. 6, pp.150-154, 2005.Ke LIAO, Xiao YUAN, Yi-Fei PU, andJi-Liu ZHOU. “Analog Circuit Implement of Semi-Order Fractional Calculus UsingOTA,” Journal of Sichuan University(Engineering Science Edition), vol.37, no. 6, pp.150-154, 2005.

  20. 黄果陈庆利许黎,蒲亦非周激流.“可变阶次分数阶微分实现图像自适应增强,”沈阳工业大学学报(自然科学版), vol.34, no.4, pp. 446-454, 2012. Guo HUANG, Qing-Li CHEN, Li XU,Yi-Fei PU,  and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Realizationof Adaptive Image Enhancement with Variable Fractional Order Differential,” Journal of Shenyang University of Technology,vol.34, no.4, pp. 446-454, 2012.

  21. 黄果许黎陈庆利,蒲亦非. “基于空间分数阶偏微分方程的图像去噪模型研究,” 四川大学学报(工程科学版), vol.43, no.1, pp. 91-98, 2012. Guo HUANG, Li XU, Qing-Li CHEN, andYi-Fei PU. “Research on Image Denoising Based on Space Fractional PartialDifferential Equations,” Journal of SichuanUniversity (Engineering Science Edition), vol.44, no.2, pp. 91-98, 2012.

  22. 周激流袁晓廖科,蒲亦非. “一种可变阶次模拟分抗电路的实现方案,” 四川大学学报 (工程科学版), vol.39, no. 3, pp.141-144, 2007.Ji-Liu ZHOU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO, andYi-Fei PU. “One Method to Realize Alterable Order Analog Fractance Circuits,” Journal of Sichuan University (EngineeringScience Edition), vol.39, no. 3, pp.141-144, 2007.

  23. 陈庆利黄果孙锐,舒勇蒲亦非周激流.“基于视觉特性的Riemann-Liouville分数阶图像增强,” 四川大学学报 (工程科学版), vol.44, no.1, pp. 99-105, 2012.Qing-Li CHEN, Guo HUANG, Rui SUN,Yong SHU, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “A Riemann-Liouville fractionaldifferential image enhancement algorithm based on human visual characteristics,”Journal of Sichuan University(Engineering Science Edition), Vol.44, No.1, pp. 99-105, 2012.


  1. Yi-Fei PU. “Fractional Calculus Approach toTexture of Digital Image,” in Proceedingsof 8th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Beijing, Oct.2006, pp. 1002-1006.

  2. Yi-Fei PU. “Implement Any Fractional OrderMultilayer Dynamic Associative Neural Network,” in Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on ASIC, Shanghai, Oct.2005, pp. 635-638.

  3. Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO, Ji-Liu ZHOU, NiZHANG, and Yi ZENG. “A Recursive Net-Grid-Type Analog Fractance Circuit for AnyOrder Fractional Calculus,” inProceedings of the  IEEE Conference onMechatronics & Automation, Niagara Falls, July. 2005, pp. 1375-1380.

  4. Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO, Ni ZHANG, YiZENG, and Xiao-Xian PU. “Structuring Analog Fractance Circuit for 1/2 OrderFractional Calculus,” in Proceedings ofthe 6th IEEE Conference on ASIC, Shanghai, Oct. 2005, pp. 1136-1139. 

  5. Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO, Ji-Liu ZHOU, NiZhang, Xiao-Xian PU, and Yi ZENG. “A Recursive Two-Circuits Series AnalogFractance Circuit for Any Order Fractional Calculus,” in Proceedings of the 20th Conference on SPIE, Changchun, August2005, pp. 509-519.

  6. Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO, Zhong-Lin CHEN,and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “An Efficient Fractional Order Wavelet-based NumericalEngineering Algorithms for Signal’s Fractional Calculus,” in Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Progress on Wavelet Analysisand Active Media Technology, Singapore, 2005, pp. 683-689.

  7. Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO, Zhong-Lin CHEN,and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Theory and Efficient Numerical Algorithms for Signal’sFractional Calculus Based on Fractional Order Wavelet Transform,” in Proceedings of 6th IEEE InternationalProgress on Wavelet Analysis and Active Media Technology, Singapore, 2005,pp. 717-724. 

  8. Yi-Fei PU, Ke LIAO, Ji-Liu ZHOU, Xiao-Xian PU,and Yi ZENG. “The Ascertainment of Scale Sampling Step for NumericalRealization Adopting Binary Pick Sampling of the Continuous Wavelet Transform,”in Proceedings of the Third IEEEInternational Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Shanghai,August 2004, pp. 2063-2068.

  9. Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO, and Ji-LiuZHOU. “A Public Adaptive Watermark Algorithm for Color Images based onPrincipal Component Analysis of Generalized Hebb,” in Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on InformationAcquisition, Huangshan, June 2004, pp. 3412-3416.

  10. Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO, and Ji-LiuZHOU. “The Ascertainment of Scale Sampling Step for Numerical RealizationAdopting Binary Dot-and-Grid Sampling of the Continuous Wavelet Transform,” in Proceedings of IEEE InternationalSymposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business,Engineering and Sciences, Wuhan, September 2004, pp. 921-925. 

  11. Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO, and Ji-LiuZHOU. “The Ascertainment of Scale Sampling Step for Numerical RealizationAdopting Even Dot-and-Grid Sampling of the Continuous Wavelet Transform,” in Proceedings of the 2004 IEEEInternational Conference on Intelligent Mechatronics and Automation,Chengdu, August 2004, pp. 211-215. 

  12. Yi-Fei PU, Ke LIAO, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “ALearning Algorithm of Multilayer Dynamics Associative Neural Network based onGeneralized Hebb Rule,” in Proceedings ofthe 2004 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Mechatronics andAutomation, Chengdu, August 2004, pp. 836-831. 

  13. Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO, and Ji-LiuZHOU. “The Ascertainment of Scale Sampling Step for Numerical Realization ofthe Continuous Wavelet Transform,” inProceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on IntelligentMechatronics and Automation, Chengdu, August 2004, pp. 842-846. 

  14. Yi-Fei PU, Ke LIAO, Ji-Liu ZHOU, and Ni ZHANG.“An Adaptive Inspection-Method for Industrial Welding Seam based on PCAAlgorithm and the Modification of BP ANN,” inProceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning andCybernetics, Shanghai, August 2004, pp. 3412-3416.


  1. Yi ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Two new nonlinear PDE image inpaintingmodels,” in the Proceedings of CSEEE 2011,pp. 341-347, 2011.

  2. Yi-Yang WANG, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “1/2 order fractional differential treetype circuit of digital image,” in theProceedings of the 1st IEEE International Congress on Image and SignalProcessing, vol.3, pp. 331-334, 2008.

  3. Yi ZHANG, Yi-Fei PU, and Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Fast X-Ray CT metal artifacts reductionbased on noniterative sinogram inpainting,” inthe Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical ImagingConference, pp. 2462-2464, 2011.

  4. Ji-Liu ZHOU, Yi-Fei PU, Ke LIAO. “Any fractional order bionic neural-type pulseoscillator,” in Proceedings of 1st IEEEInternational Symposium on Systems and Control in Aerospace and Astronautics,2005, pp. 916-919.

  5. Ji-Liu ZHOU, Yi-Fei PU, Xiao YUAN, Ke LIAO. “Any fractional order H type analogfractance circuit,” in Proceedings of 6thIEEE International Conference on ASIC, October 2005, pp. 1074-1077.

  6. Ke LIAO, Yi-Fei PU, Ji-Liu ZHOU. “An adaptive inspection-method for industrialwelding seam based on ISOMAP algorithm and the modification of BP ANN,” in Proceedings of 2004 IEEE InternationalConference on Information Acquisition, 2004, pp. 351-354. 

  7. Ke LIAO, Xiao YUAN, Yi-FeiPU, Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Fractional orderdigital differentiators design using exponential basis function neural network,”in Proceedings of 3rd IEEE InternationalSymposium on Neural Networks, May 2006, pp. 735-740. 

  8. Ke LIAO, Xiao YUAN, Yi-FeiPU, Ji-Liu ZHOU. “Fractance analogrealization using one order Newton method,” inProceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMCTechnologies for Wireless Communications, 2005, pp. 1127-1130.


  1. 四川大学计算机学院主页上蒲亦非的个人简介:https://cs.scu.edu.cn/info/1074/7931.htm

  2. 四川大学软件学院主页上蒲亦非的个人简介:https://sw.scu.edu.cn/info/1194/10202.htm
